APRIL 28, 2020
I struggled with sleep last night
I had a reoccurring dream of being lost
Lost on a college campus and alone
Having forgotten the classes I was enrolled in
And their locations, I was not prepared for exams
Searching for companionship, I found none
I also had dreams about cancer
It seems everyone surrounding me was suffering
I felt suffocated as if I was developing the disease
Yet, I was wide awake, feeling somewhat ill
Wondering if the COVID virus had found its way
It was a night of tension, stress and insomnia
This morning, I feel very weak
Exhausted and stressed after 45 days of lock down
Alone, without family, friends or guests
These sequester days may be taking its toll
With a discouraged heart, I look to You, O Lord
Replace my distress with the joy of your presence
Go before me this day, deliver me from my weakness
Being weary, give me your strength
“He giveth power to the faint” (Isaiah 40:29)
As I seek You this morning, I believe your promise
“Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled”
Convert my discouragement to joy
I need your rescuing and transforming grace
Today and everyday
You are my fortress
The refuge from myself
I will sing of your love