APRIL 6, 2020

Life is a war
I wake up each morning to a war-torn world
A world broken by man’s sins
Constantly under attack by the evil one

A war of moral right and wrong
A Spiritual war with an unseen enemy
I am vulnerable to his deceptive temptations
By grace, My Savior has armed me for the battle

The Cross, has made the battle Yours
I am not of this world, only in it
May I faithfully follow your separate path of life
I will place Christ first and His truth second

His road is straight and narrow
May my grace will grow on His highway of safety
A crown of glory follows the cross of separation
Eternal honor “forever with the Lord” awaits

His Cross conquered the power of darkness
Jesus has defeated the armies of hell
The heavenly gift of atonement is complete
Salvation has come to man