APRIL 9, 2020
“Christ died, He was buried, He rose” (1 Cor 15:3-4)
He was crucified for my sins
A substitute for me
An atonement for my life
He rose in the fulfillment of prophecy
Promised me the gift of salvation for my soul
My soul weeps at the idea of the cross
Perfection persecuted for my sake
Innocence crucified and love suffered
My heart mourns, for my sins cried, “Crucify Him”
My grief is an ocean of tears
Yet I rejoice at my Savior’s love for me
He rose,
forgave my sins,
released the evil from my heart,
gave a new life
He dwells in me and
I have a new hope to live for his glory
His grace is all that I need
His power replaces my weakness
His power rests within me
I am thankful for his strength for
“ I can do all things through Christ,
who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)