DECEMBER 31, 2019
Looking back on this last year
I see the Prince of Peace in each of my memories
Your Presence has filled my spirit with your peace
Every step of the way
In difficult times, you comforted Me
You held my hand
Turned my tears of sorrow into rainbows
In times of joy, you were my close Companion
Daily your Words permeated my thoughts and life
Making my soul thirst for your righteousness
Your mercy covered each of my failings
Your unfailing Love had no bounds
As I look forward, I am reminded
That you are the same today as yesterday
I can to expect more of the same
Your mercy, your Love, your faithfulness, your strength
To expect more challenges and trials
More battles and temptations
More mercy and love
If consistent in my faith, triumphs
I also see what is yet to come
Sickness, old age and physical death
However, you promise, life after death
Infinite joy and fullness with you in eternity
You have gone before to prepare a place
I will eventually get to see your Face,
Have fellowship with the Saints and
Experience your Glory
Thank you for transforming my anxieties into faith
May my life glorify You and lead others to Your Kingdom