JANUARY 17, 2020

I find life in a fallen world is often hard

I sometimes feel troubled, inadequate 

defeated, overwhelmed and often alone

Sometimes life seems out of control and scary

However, your Word tells me different

The difficulty and chaos at the street level

are not the result of a world out of control

For all things are under your command

Help me not to be baffled by life

but I find peace in the understanding

that You rule over all things

For my sake and your Glory

If I am to be used by You

I must be brought to a place of death

Death to self-regard

Death to the pride in my accomplishments

Death to my importance in the world

Death to any and all desires for adulation

I must die to be with You

Dying is painful, but death is peaceful

Through my tears I have seen the Lamb

The lamb who takes away all sin

Though daily fellowship I have had the joy

To have a vision of your presence in heaven

To be in heaven, will be, to be with you

To be with you, is to be in heaven

May I receive from heaven, your innocence,

your purity and a beloved past, present and future life

Being with you, I am supremely blessed

For you promise of a life

One that you will see as beautiful and as white as snow

Lord, thank your love, mercy and presence