MARCH 30, 2020
My sins have placed me on God’s list of transgressors
You, my Lord, are holy and written among the holy
For my sins, you were crucified
Your name has been placed on the list of transgressors
So that my heart would be drawn to you
You have appeared before your Father in my place
But as “yourself”, standing on my behalf
Pleading that that the hand of justice will be stayed
Your side, your hands, your feet are my defense
You represent us sinners and challenge justice
With your shed blood, you have pleaded victoriously
On my behalf and transformed my name
to the roll of acceptance
You have given me the dowry of your Kingdom
I rejoice in my union with Thee
In thanksgiving and gratitude, I am a new creature
Lord, thank you for my redeeming grace
Thank you for the gift of my free will, my ability to choose
In my sinful my nature, I have two choices
I can confess my sin or try to justify my actions
I can run to your grace or quit seeking your grace
Your faithful grace, forgives, rescues and transforms
Transform my heart of stone into one of humble love
I can no longer plead ignorant in my unbelief
For as I have believed, I am saved