NOVEMBER 12, 2019
Receive my grace with open hands
My Kingdom is about believing and receiving
Do not let feelings of false grief overcome you
I have taken your sins upon myself
And sacrificed My life to redeem you
Accept My Grace
Receive my blessings with an open heart
I will set you free from the past
And give you a firm foundation to stand on
Find the Truth in My word
Submit to Me and share in My victory over Satan
I alone have defeated the evil one
Obey Me for I am greater than the enemy
Depend on Me for victory
Rely on My Spirit for power and guidance
I will call you to serve Me anywhere and everywhere
Be loyal to My plan
Know that you never walk alone, for I dwell within you
I will remove all obstacles that hinder My plan
Work in the light as I am the Light
I will make you a bright beacon in a dark world
Let my light shine so many will see and put their trust in Me
How beautiful is the soul that serves Me
In memory of my sister, Regina
A beautiful soul, taken Home in 1956 at the age of 7