JANUARY 11, 2020
O Lord, thank you, your grace has visited me
The gift of life in a earthly birth
Born in America into a loving Christian family
For my baptism by water and by the Holy Spirit
Like your life on earth, I have had temptations
Unlike you, I have failed the tests
Thank you for your grace, mercy and forgiveness
Your grace and transformation
Help me crucify the hold the world has on my life
To let go of my need for material possessions
To be free from desiring worldly success
To find my identity in you alone and not the world
You have called me to “look up”
To see my God and His work
To “climb up” your mountain in prayer
How far have I really climbed?
Have I ascended to your Kingdom?
Do I have a high view, a far view, a fuller view?
A clearer view of your glory?
Do I see in a truer light both earthly and heavenly things?
Lord, strengthen my eyes and transform my character
Give me a deeper fellowship with you
Allow me to live in your spiritual beauty
Let me shine with your Spirit
Empower my life to serve you by serving others