APRIL 22, 2020

I received this message this morning
from my good friend and brother in Christ. 
I would like to share Don Griffin’s words.

“There is a rhythm that flows 
from the throne of God to us. 
It is our privilege and life’s calling
to stay in tune with our King. 
As Jesus followers, we gaze into the face of God
at the start of each day and then prepared, 
we walk out our assignments in obedience. 
As we agree and say yes to the Father, 
the glory of God, His favor, His anointing can go with us. 
As we go forth and experience
the presence of God with us, 
the kingdom is advanced and Jesus Christ 
is glorified on the earth, sometimes unbeknown by us. 
Exodus 34:29 says, “Moses did not know that the skin 
on his face shown while he talked to Him.” 
Could this be for us also?
Is there a possibility that in today’s encounters, 
opportunities, relationships and even mundane chores, 
God is doing things of which we are unaware?
I believe so!
As we begin our days, 
prostrate before Almighty God, like with Moses, 
could the Lord speak to us and mark us 
in such a way that those around us 
would experience, God with us! 
It has happened before. 
It could happen again. 
God bless and stay safe”.