John D Couch - Founder of Eden Inspirations
Tens years ago, God sent me a love letter in a black envelope
The love of my life and I parted ways
I descended into the valley of sorrows
I was devastated and could not sleep
In the darkness of the early mornings
I prayed for understanding
I was reminded that “I am your God”
“Put your trust in Me”
“You are my child, a member of My royal family”
“I am always present, My love is eternal”
“Look up and Come to Me”
“You were born into a world with mankind’s sin
Human to experience the temptations of the world
Position, possessions and the beauty of a young girl
With the pride and ego of an older man”
I realized my sin
I put God’s creations above the Creator
Slowly I began to understand and be transformed
Into His likeness, His character, His perspective
I needed to crucify and bury my earthly desires
Place God first above all things of the world
Put my hope and faith in His hands
It was like I was resurrected from the earth
To be a disciple and servant for His Kingdom
Prayer raised me out of the darkness of the valley
And ascended me to His mountain top
Where God showed me His plan for my life
He allowed me to see the world with His eyes
He changed my earthly ambitions to Heavenly ambitions
All my plans, labors, worries, fears, cares and sorrows
Fell into His heavenly perspective
I began to see things as they appear in God’s eyes
Through His grace, I was free from my sins and sorrows
Freed from being controlled by earthly possessions and people
I realized that only my soul will ascend to heaven
My tears of sorrow became tears of joy
The battle was won by my God
“My cup runneth over” with His Love
Joy came from a sincere fellowship with My Savior
May I always dwell in His Light and live up to His blessings
Even those in a black envelope, to serve the Lord
The Original Inspired Words: